[mew-int 01306] Re: how does bbdb-mew work?

Chris Beggy chrisb at example.com
Thu Mar 6 06:28:34 JST 2003

On 05 Mar 2003, clemens fischer <ino-qc at example.com> wrote: 

> i have bbdb-mew.elc in my load-path.  what else do i need, or how do
> i use the mew draft mode to complete addresses in the To or Cc lines,

In the bbdb buffer entering m in the address will open a mew
draft with the To: field filled in.

> and mew summary mode to store From addresses in bbdb?

Entering ; in the summary should prompt to create a new bbdb record.

> or is there a conversion tool to copy the bbdb database over to the
> mew format address-book?  this would suffice for me at the moment.

I don't know.  This might be useful.


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