[mew-int 01318] Re: Configuring Mew's behaviour with CCs when replying.

David A. Panariti davep.mew at example.com
Tue Mar 11 02:16:25 JST 2003

>>>>> "Jean-Marc" == Jean-Marc Rosengard <jm at example.com> writes:

   Jean-Marc> Hello,
   Jean-Marc> I have two problems involving CCs:

   Jean-Marc> (1) when I reply to a mail, a copy is sent to each
   Jean-Marc>     CC address of the original message. How can I set 
   Jean-Marc>     up Mew to only send my reply to the "To" address?
I believe you can just use C-u before `a' to answer:

`mew-summary-reply' is an interactive compiled Lisp function
  -- loaded from "mew-summary3"
(mew-summary-reply &optional REPLYSENDER)

I use my own reply function that inverts the meaining of C-u:
No C-u --> reply to sender
C-u    --> reply to all.

(defun dp-mew-summary-reply (&optional not-onlytofrom-p)
  "Invert the meaning of \\[universal-argument]
since I prefer to *not* cc everyone on the
cc list."
  (interactive "P")
  (setq dp-mail-is-a-reply-p t)
  (mew-summary-reply (not not-onlytofrom-p)))

   Jean-Marc> (2) I have several e-mail addresses that all reach
   Jean-Marc>     the same mail account. When I reply to
   Jean-Marc>     a mail, I want the address that was used in the 
   Jean-Marc>     "To" field of the original message to be used in 
   Jean-Marc>     the "From" field instead of my default address.
   Jean-Marc>     Is there a simple way to congigure Mew to do 
   Jean-Marc>     that?
I don't know if there is a simple way to do it, but I have a bunch of elisp
that does it for me.
I do this since I have a domain mailbox and use unique addrs for almost
everything. E.g. davep.mew at example.com
It will also choose a From: based on the To: field if it sees nothing special
about the original From: field.

I can send you the code, but it'll take some doing since I use many functions
from my private libs.
Let me know if you'd like to see it.


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