[mew-int 01526] Re: multiple Mail addresses

Charles Muller acmuller at example.com
Wed Sep 10 16:47:09 JST 2003

I did a little more checking in the online manual, so I'll give an
example of my problem.

In my Addrbook file, I have the following:

jinyoung	jypark at example.com	Jin	"Jin Y. Park"
jinpark	jypark at example.com	Jin  	"Jin Y. Park"
park.jin	jinyoung, jinpark	Jin  "Jin Y. Park"

Based on my understanding of the explanation in the manual, I am
expecting that when I do this:

    To: park.jin[TAB]

I should get

    To: jypark at example.com, jypark at example.com

But instead, I get

   To: jinyoung at example.com

What am I doing wrong here?


Charles Muller  <acmuller at example.com>
Faculty of Humanities,  Toyo Gakuen University
Digital Dictionary of Buddhism and CJKV-English Dictionary [http://www.acmuller.net]
H-Buddhism List Editor [http://www.h-net.org/~buddhism/]
Mobile Phone: 090-9310-1787

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