[mew-int 01755] Re: Mew-4.x VERY slow

Tatsuya Kinoshita tats at example.com
Sat Feb 28 19:26:38 JST 2004

On February 27, 2004, [mew-int 01750],
tats (at vega.ocn.ne.jp) wrote:

> Please upgrade Mew 4 to 4.0.63 or later, it is faster than 4.0.62.

Oops, this isn't true.  I've got the following results:

Scanning 4,500 messages on a local folder (Linux ext2), Emacs
21.3, MMX Pentium 266MHz PC:

Mew 3.3 (CVS stable-3-2 on 2004-01-30) with the default values:

Mew 4.0.62 with the default values:

Mew 4.0.64 (CVS head on 2004-02-28) with the default values:

Mew 4.0.64 (CVS head on 2004-02-28) with the following configuration:

;; don't display bodies of messages in Summary
(setq mew-summary-form-body-starter nil)
(setq mew-summary-form-list nil)
(setq mew-summary-form
      '(type (5 date) " " (14 from) " " t (0 subj)))
(setq mew-scan-max-body-length 0)

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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