[mew-int 01773] Re: customize thread

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Fri Mar 5 17:36:25 JST 2004

From: Serge Basterot <serge.basterot at example.com>
Subject: [mew-int 01770] Re: customize thread

> I tried  to use some others symbols writing like  this "\x49022" and
> "\x490b0\x49020\x490fa  ",  but  mew  complained that  these  fields
> doesn't have same length.
> I can't define these symbols in this way ? 

Each member must have the same width for display reason.

Deos "\x49022" and "\x490b0\x49020\x490fa" mean
["\x49022" "\x490b0" "\x49020" "\x490fa"]?

Apply the following to the four strings.

	(string-width "<each string>")

All returned integer must be the same.


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