[mew-int 01786] Re: fcc to current folder

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Mon Mar 8 13:15:13 JST 2004

From: Oliver Enzmann <oliver at example.com>
Subject: [mew-int 01784] fcc to current folder

> Is there a variable or function I could check from draft mode, containing
> the name of the folder a "mew-summary-send", "mew-summary-reply" action
> was initiated from? 


Attached is a patch to implement your request. Your configuration should be
as follows:

   (defun my-fcc-func ()
      (setq mew-fcc (mew-tinfo-get-summary)))
   (add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-hook 'my-fcc-func)

This patch is for the CVS version, though, I guess it is eary for you
to merge it to Mew 3.

# If you are using "case", more tips are necessary, I bet.


Index: mew-draft.el
RCS file: /cvsroot/mew/mew/mew-draft.el,v
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -c -r1.113 mew-draft.el
*** mew-draft.el	3 Mar 2004 15:44:30 -0000	1.113
--- mew-draft.el	8 Mar 2004 04:14:18 -0000
*** 14,20 ****
  (defvar mew-tinfo-list
    '("header-keymap" "attach-keymap" "case" "encrypted-p" "privacy-err"
!     "encode-err" "privacy-type" "hdr-file" "field-del" "other-frame"))
  (mew-blinfo-defun 'mew-tinfo mew-tinfo-list)
--- 14,21 ----
  (defvar mew-tinfo-list
    '("header-keymap" "attach-keymap" "case" "encrypted-p" "privacy-err"
!     "encode-err" "privacy-type" "hdr-file" "field-del" "other-frame"
!     "summary"))
  (mew-blinfo-defun 'mew-tinfo mew-tinfo-list)
*** 247,253 ****
  	 (special-display-regexps nil)
  	 (same-window-buffer-names nil)
  	 (same-window-regexps nil)
! 	 (draftname (mew-path-to-folder draft-path)))
      (when (get-buffer draftname)
  	(set-buffer draftname)
--- 248,256 ----
  	 (special-display-regexps nil)
  	 (same-window-buffer-names nil)
  	 (same-window-regexps nil)
! 	 (draftname (mew-path-to-folder draft-path))
! 	 summary)
!     (if (mew-summary-p) (setq summary (mew-summary-folder-name)))
      (when (get-buffer draftname)
  	(set-buffer draftname)
*** 269,274 ****
--- 272,278 ----
      (mew-set-buffer-cs mew-cs-m17n)
      ;; copy config, first
      (mew-tinfo-set-case mew-case-output)
+     (mew-tinfo-set-summary summary)
      (when mew-use-other-frame-for-draft
        (mew-tinfo-set-other-frame t)
        ;; to ensure to cite a message from summary frame.

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