[mew-int 01800] Re: windows-125x and UTF-8 questions
Tatsuya Kinoshita
tats at example.com
Sat Mar 20 12:20:00 JST 2004
On March 18, 2004, [mew-int 01796],
serge.basterot (at free.fr) wrote:
> I receive some e-mails with windows-125x charset. The euro sign is
> transformed in "\200" when it is displayed.
To define charset names windows-125x, use (require 'code-pages)
instead of (codepage-setup 1250).
> When I try to reply to e-mails with windows-125x charset my message
> are encoded with utf-8 accordingly to the info page. This is not a
> problem for me, but I would like to know if I can force conversion
> into iso-8859-15 ? I tried with C-c C-l but it did not convert the
> message and Mew ask if I want to encode it with utf-8.
> I set mew-charset-latin to "iso-8859-15", if I set all my
> environment in UTF-8, will Mew use latin charset again or not ?
The conversion from mule-unicode-* to iso-8859-x is not yet
supported by the mew-lang-latin feature. If the message has
mule-unicode-* characters, Mew will use utf-8.
If you want to use iso-8859-15 forcedly, you can set the charset
name by hand. In the Draft mode, hit `C-c C-a' (create the
region of attachments), move the cursor to `*Cover.txt', and hit
`C iso-8859-15 RET'.
> ;; (require 'ucs-tables)
> ;; (unify-8859-on-encoding-mode 1)
> ;; (unify-8859-on-decoding-mode -1)
(unify-8859-on-decoding-mode -1) usually prefers latin charsets
instead of mule-unicode-*. However, windows-125x are not
affected by (unify-8859-on-decoding-mode -1). windows-125x
always uses mule-unicode-*.
Tatsuya Kinoshita
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