[mew-int 01913] Re: incm problem

Werner LEMBERG wl at example.com
Tue Nov 16 18:41:51 JST 2004

> > I seem to have problems with incm.  While retrieving mails over a
> > slow modem line, pressing `i' to get new mail works fine, but
> > after incm has finished the mailbox lock file isn't removed
> > immediately so that the mailbox isn't filled again by sendmail.
> > Why not?
> The author is wondering why "incm" is used to the slow modem line.
> "incm" is a local command and does not use network at all.
> Are you using remote-login (like ssh) and retrieving messages on the
> remote machine?

I do as follows:

  0. My SuSE 9.1 machine uses two sendmail daemon processes: one for
     sending email, and a second one to transport the mails from
     /var/spool/mqueue to /var/spool/mail, putting them into the
     mailbox file `sx0005'.

  1. Start wvdial.

  2. Start fetchmail manually with `fetchmail -d 0'.

  3. After some mails have been downloaded (and put into the mailbox
     file), I press `i' in mew to get them.  After this has completed,
     a file `sx0005.lock' is still in /var/spool/mail.

     fetchmail is still running, but sendmail no more delivers the
     mails to the mailbox.  Without manual intervention (this is,
     deleting `sx0005.lock' manually), it takes about half an hour
     until `sx0005.lock' is deleted automatically -- I don't know
     which program is doing this --, and the waiting mails are put
     into the mail box.

Maybe it isn't a problem of incm, but it seems that this program
creates `sx0005.lock', so I wonder why it isn't deleted as soon as
incm quits.  Since my knowledge of mail handling is very limited I
hope that you can help.


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