[mew-int 02080] Re: mew and news

Patrick Percot ppercot at example.com
Sat Oct 29 17:54:28 JST 2005

Le Sat, 02 Apr 2005 18:38:25 -0800 (PST), Etienne Marache <e.marache at example.com> a écrit

> Hello,

Hi Étienne,

> I am quite satisfied with mew, wich I use to read and write e-mail and I
> like to  use it too as newsraeder.  The trouble is I  fail to understand
> the explanation given in the mew manual. Could someone explain to me how
> to proceed? 
> I'd be very grateful. 
> Thanks
> At prsent my .mew.el contain this:
> (setq mew-nntp-server "news.wanadoo.fr")
> (setq mew-nntp-user "e.marache")

I know  it's a bit late  to answer, but I  used Mew today  for the first
time to read news. I hope this answer could be helpful to others. 

I set the two variables :
(setq mew-nntp-server "news.free.fr")
(setq mew-nntp-user "ppercot")

I guess it should also work with those values :-)))
(setq mew-nntp-server "news.wanadoo.fr")
(setq mew-nntp-user "e.marache")

I  used the  2Z sequence  to  collect the  newsgroups list  on the  nntp
server. It  takes some time, be  patient. When finished, I  used the key
sequence g  to go to  a folder. The  prefix for nntp  folders is -  so I
replaced the + by - . It is  possible to type the name of a newsgroup or
to use the TAB key fro completion. 

When  you have a  complete name  of newsgroup  type RET,  and then  s to
update the list of messages. 

That's all folks.

CV sur http://patrickpercot.free.fr
Groupe Morbihannais d'Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres http://www.tuxbihan.org
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Patrick Percot.

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