[mew-int 02128] Re: Could it be possible to use different signature for different address?

Patrick Percot ppercot at example.com
Mon Apr 10 16:47:10 JST 2006

Le Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:36:02 +0800 (CST), Wen Zhang <wwzhang at example.com> a écrit

> I have multi-mailboxes  in Mew, and I want  to use different signature
> files for these address.  How can I do this in Mew? 

With mew-config-alist :

(setq mew-config-alist
	 ("inbox-folder" . "+inbox-tuxbihan")
	 ("name" . "Administrateur Tuxbihan")
	 ("user" . "tuxbihan")
	 ("fcc" . "+tuxbihan-backup")
	 ("signature-file" . "~/.mew.signature.tuxbihan")
	 ("pop-user" . "tuxbihan"))
	 ("inbox-folder" . "+inbox")
	 ("name" . "Patrick Percot")
	 ("user" . "ppercot")
	 ("fcc" . "+backup")
	 ("signature-file" . "~/.mew.signature")
	 ("pop-user" . "ppercot")
	 ("proto" . "+")
	 ("pop-auth" . (quote pass))
	 ("pop-size" . 20000)
	 ("pop-server"     . "pop.free.fr"))))

Groupe Morbihannais d'Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres http://www.tuxbihan.org
GPG fingerprint = 1A4F E154 3D2C A20E E4CA  A543 7951 C5C2 E44A A0B5

Patrick Percot.

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