[mew-int 02100] Re: Fw: [AUCTeX] Re: preview background

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Mon Jan 23 21:35:21 JST 2006


First of all, please understand that I'm NOT againt the flat view.
My intention is to share technically correct information.

> Attached is a screen shot provided by David Kastrup.  

The previous message which you forwarded contains Multipart/Mixed only.
The parts in Multipart/Mixed have NO relationship. If a composer
chooses Multipart/Mixed and expects that viewer visualizes the parts
with concatenated or something, it is *mis-usage*.

If you send a text message with graphical images inserted, you should
use HTML and your composer should choose Multipart/Related. The "A"
tag should refer to one of the values of Content-ID:.  Believing or
not, if you use Mew + emacs-w3m + w3m, you can visualize this. :-)

> It's not
> perfect, as you can see -- the additional empty lines and superfluous
> line breaks might be a problem in the other mailing program, I don't
> know, but it is far better than what mew currently offers.

Technicaly speaking, this problem cannot be solved if Multpart/Mixed
is used.

Anyway, I will think how Mew can visualize Multipart in the flat view.


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