[mew-int 2473] Re: Insufficient error reporting in case of missing file

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
Mon Apr 21 15:19:21 JST 2008


> I sent out two mails today, both with the same jpeg file attached.
> Unfortunately, between the first and second email I was distracted and
> accidentally deleted the jpeg file. So, for the second email, I hit
> C-c C-a, then C-c C-l - and rather than navigate to the file (which
> would have alerted me to its nonexistence) I just hit M-p a few times
> until the right filename appeared in the minibuffer, and hit return.
> This resulted in no error message. Then I hit C-c C-c to send the
> message, answered y to the question, and were treated to these
> messages in quick succession in the minibuffer:

I modified the command so that it will ask the path again.
Please check it.

You would prefer to display error message in a second or so. If so,
please let me know.


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