[mew-int 2636] Lost space with format=flowed; delsp=yes

Harald Hanche-Olsen hanche at example.com
Tue Nov 11 02:23:31 JST 2008

Some messages created by Apple Mail lose a space. For example, in one
such mail one part looks like this:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed; delsp=yes
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

L=F8p straks til =
  og avgi din stemme p=E5 Skepsis blog!

That is rendered in mew as

Løp straks til http://tordenbloggen.sonitus.org/2008/11/09/og-sa-var-det-siste-kvalikrunde-da/og avgi din stemme på Skepsis blog!

i.e., the space after the URL is lost.

In the message, immediately after the URL is a space encoded as
=20. That is lost due to the flowed format, which is correct. The line
after that one begins with two spaces. The first one is lost to space-
stuffing, again correct, but the second one should have been retained.

At least, that is how I read RFC 3676, and it seems most other mail
programs show the space.

- Harald

PS. Is there a way to generate flowed format messages in mew? And if
not, are there plans for this functionality? I imagine one would edit
such messages with auto-fill off and longlines-mode on.

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