[mew-int 2622] Re: mew crash in x.

Harald Hanche-Olsen hanche at example.com
Thu Oct 16 16:39:21 JST 2008

+ Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com>:

> Emacs Lisp in which Mew is written cannot cash Emacs. If it does,
> that is because of a bug of Emacs.
> CVS Emacs is quite unstable. For me, I cannot stand to use CVS Emacs
> at this moment.

I find that the stability of cvs emacs has improved greatly. My
current instance has been running for eight days now. Oh wait,
actually I am running the one you can get from a git repository
(git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs), which tends to lag behind the cvs
version by a week or two. I suspect that the maintainer of the git
repository tries to sample the cvs repository at relatively stable
moments, but I could well be wrong.

In any case, knowing that git/cvs emacs is not even beta software I
run it under gdb always, so I can get a backtrace if it crashes. (And
the gdb session is hidden away in a detached screen session, so it
doesn't clutter my workspace, which is already cluttered enough as
is.) The OP might consider doing the same, and he could then send in
bug reports to the emacs maintainers (the mew list is obviously not
the right place).

- Harald

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