[mew-int 2614] Re: char coding problems in mew

zhengyi goodmenlinux at example.com
Sat Sep 13 10:47:09 JST 2008

> Hello,
> > Sorry to disturb you.
> > I'm in trouble of char-coding.
> > 
> > When I compose a mail, the body of it is encode to Janpenses by default.
> > I searched the docs for it, and the only solution is to use MIME,
> > and set the Cover.txt to my language. 
> > Ok, it takes some time, but it works.
> > But the mail Subject is alwayse guessed by mew.
> > What I want to do is assign the coding-system by myself.
> Did you set your language environment?
> In your .emacs, the following code is necessary.
> (set-language-environment "Chinese-XXX")
> "Chinese-XXX" should be replaced with 
> Chinese-BIG5 or Chinese-CNS or Chinese-EUC-TW or Chinese-GB
> --Kazu
Thank you, sir!
That works fine.
But here is my advice:
   1, I think it is reasonable to give the users a chance 
      to assign the coding-language of a mail manually.
      For example, my working environment is English, but
      sometimes, I need to send a mail in Chinese. I don't 
      want to modify my .emacs and re-run emacs just for a
      single mail ( And change back again for my common setting ).
   2, There must someone had asked similary questions, but the
      mail list web-page do not provide a search function. It just
      give me the archieve sorted by date. It seems impossible to
      find some infomation in this form.

Thanks your kindness to answer me, and for the GREAT Mew!

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