[mew-int 2700] Wrapped lines and itemize

Christophe TROESTLER Christophe.Troestler at example.com
Mon Apr 20 05:46:04 JST 2009


Regularly, I get mails with itemize lists, where each item is 
preceded by a dash (as is customary in French and other languages).  
However, when these lists are wrapped, every wrapped line starts with 
"- " making the items indistinguishable.  Example (ignore the text 

- After downloading your small input file, you'll have four minutes 
to run your program on our input and submit the output (along with 
your source code). If you take too long or output the wrong answer, 
the attempt will be marked as incorrect.
- After downloading the large input file, you have eight minutes to 
submit the output and your source code. There is only one input file, 
but you can submit as many times as you wish during the eight minutes.

Is there a way to configure Mew so that when wrapping lines starting 
with "- ", the continued lines start with "  "?


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