[mew-int 2713] Can not use UTF-8 for any characters

vvoody wxj.g.sh at example.com
Wed Aug 5 18:05:41 JST 2009

>From the info:

If you want to always use UTF-8 for any characters other than
US-ASCII, configure as follows:

    (setq mew-cs-database-for-encoding
              `(((ascii) nil "7bit" "7bit")
                 (nil utf-8 "base64" "B")))


The en mails are ok, but CJK mails not. When I type C-cC-c, the
minibuffer displayed "nil"
and didn't send my mail. I found some information from the *Messages* buffer:

Really send this message? (y or n)
Saving file /home/vvoody/Mail/draft/1...
Wrote /home/vvoody/Mail/draft/1
Making a message...


My mew config file:

(setq mew-name "vvoody")
(setq mew-user "vvoody")
(setq mew-mail-domain "qq.com")

(setq mew-proto "%")
(setq mew-imap-user "vvoody")
(setq mew-imap-server "imap.qq.com")

(setq mew-ssl-verify-level 0)
(setq mew-smtp-ssl t)
(setq mew-smtp-ssl-port "465") ;; The default is 465
(setq mew-prog-ssl "/usr/sbin/stunnel")
(setq mew-smtp-user "vvoody")
(setq mew-smtp-server "smtp.qq.com")

(setq mew-imap-header-only t)

(setq mew-use-full-alias t)

(setq mew-cs-database-for-encoding
      `(((ascii) nil "7bit" "7bit")
	(nil utf-8 "base64" "B")))



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