[mew-int 2785] multiple pop accounts

Glen Rubin rubinglen at example.com
Tue Dec 29 12:56:07 JST 2009


I am trying to set-up multiple pop accounts on mew.  Unfortunately, it is not working.  If I try either account alone it works fine.  I do this by always having one of the accounts comented (;) out. Here is how they are defined in my .mew-el file:

;;Set-up for a single user at yahoo!  
;(setq mew-smtp-server "smtp.mail.yahoo.com")
;(setq mew-pop-user "rubinglen")
;(setq mew-pop-server "pop.mail.yahoo.com")
;(setq mew-pop-auth 'pass)
;(setq mew-pop-ssl t)
;(setq mew-pop-ssl-port 995)
;(setq mew-ssl-verify-level 0)

;;Set-up for a single user at gawab.com
(setq mew-smtp-server "smtp.gawab.com")
(setq mew-pop-user "glenrubin at example.com")
(setq mew-pop-server "pop.gawab.com")
(setq mew-pop-auth 'pass)
(setq mew-pop-port 110)
(setq mew-smtp-port 25)

If I try setting it up to access both accounts, it does not work.  Here is what I tried:

;;Set-up for multiple pop accounts
(setq mew-config-alist
         (inbox-folder   "+inbox")
     (proto          "$")
     (pop-user       "rubinglen")
         (pop-server     "pop.mail.yahoo.com")
     (smtp-server    "smtp.mail.yahoo.com")
     (pop-auth 'pass)
     (pop-ssl t)
     (pop-ssl-port 995)
     (ssl-verify-level 0))
         (inbox-folder   "+inbox")
     (proto          "$")
     (pop-user       "glenrubin at example.com")
     (pop-server     "pop.gawab.com")
     (smtp-server    "smtp.gawab.com")
     (smtp-port      25)
     (pop-auth 'pass)
     (pop-port 110)

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