[mew-int 2733] Re: hyper estraier search

Thomas Danckaert thomas.danckaert at example.com
Sun Sep 13 20:27:13 JST 2009

Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 03:31:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: Will Gardella <gardellawg at example.com>

> Integration with Hyper Estraier is very convenient.  Just hit k M to
> index all mail folders periodically, search with k-/, and scroll
> forward and backward through occurrences of the search term within
> messages using M-n and M-p, respectively.  You can also make a cron
> job for mew's Hyper Estraier indexing script, which is called 
> mewest.

Thank you, do you also have any hints concerning my other questions, 
i.e. on how to make more complicated queries, including wildcard 
search and boolean operators?  I can not get them to work (they are 
also not really mentioned in the mew manual's section on hyper 
estraier, but since hyper estraier supports them, and mew w/o hyper 
estraier supports them, I'm thinking the combination of mew+hyper 
estraier somehow also supports them...?

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