[mew-int 2867] password always wrong

ying hu hu.ying.13 at example.com
Wed Apr 14 17:59:00 JST 2010


I'm trying to use mew to connect to my company imap email. But each time the
imap server refused the connection and complained password error. I'm very
sure that the password is right and it's used well in other email clients. I
also faced this issue when I'm trying to send email using yahoo's smtp
server. Did anyone ever face the same issue. Could anyone give any
suggestions? Thanks a lot.
My mew configuration is below.

         (name "hu")
         (user "hu")
         (imap-server "xxx.xxx.com")
         (imap-user "mhu at example.com")
         (imap-auth t)
         (imap-ssl t)
         (proto "%")
         (use-smtp-auth nil)
         (smtp-user "mhu at example.com")
         (smtp-server "xxx.xxx.com")
         (smtp-mail-from "mhu at example.com")
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