[mew-int 2932] Re: Identify urls

Diogo F. S. Ramos diogofsr at example.com
Sat Nov 6 00:07:30 JST 2010

>> Well, I slightly modified the regex used by Mew to identify urls. In
>> my brief experience it seems to recognize correctly a little bigger
>> set of urls than the previous one.
> I am not sure allowing closing braces inside URLs is the way to go.
> Sure some URLs contain braces but these are usually balanced.  I
> personally use the following regex to allow "depth 1" matching braces.
> (setq mew-regex-url
>   (let ((u "[^  	\n>()\"]*"))
>     (concat "\\b\\(\\(\\(file\\|news\\|mailto\\):\\)"
> 	    "\\|\\(\\(s?https?\\|ftp\\|gopher\\|telnet\\|wais\\)://\\)\\)"
> 	    "\\(" u "\\|(" u ")\\)*[^  	\n>.,:)\"]+")))

You have a valid point, although I don't see the disadvantage of
allowing closing braces inside URLs, but I guess it should correctly
identify URLs like `(http://www.example.com/foo(bar))baz' as

Unfortunately I tried your solution with `re-builder' but it always
stop recognizing the URL at a closing parentheses. Could you verify if
it is working there for you?

Diogo F. S. Ramos

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