[mew-int 2996] removing "unread" mark on server for messages as read in Mew

Jeffrey M.Roth jroth at example.com
Tue Jun 7 02:18:17 JST 2011

Hi All - 

I am using Mew with an IMAP server (Microsoft Exchange).  Overall, Mew
works great.

However, when I read messages in Mew/Emacs, they are always marked as
unread on the server.  (They always are marked read in Mew, just not on
the server.)

Is there a way to command the server to remove the "unread" mark on the
server whenever the messages are downloaded into Mew?  I tried "C-u Z",
"Z", and "x", and none of them remove the server's "unread" marks.

According to Sec. 4.8 of the manual
the unread mark described as follows:
‘U’    Whether a message is read or not. This IMAP flag is \Seen. This is
    usually valid in %inbox only.

Is there any way to issue this "\Seen" flag to the server, so that
messages I have already read no longer have the "unread" mark on the

Attached is my current .mew.el file.

I tried with and without the (setq mew-use-unread-mark t) command at the
end of the .mew.el file.  Unfortunately, in either case when I read the
messages in Mew, they are still marked as "unread" on the server.

Thanks for any help folks can provide!  Jeff Roth
-------------- next part --------------
(setq mew-name "Jeffrey M. Roth")
(setq mew-user "jroth")           ; from name at example.com
(setq mew-mail-domain "ll.mit.edu")

(setq mew-proto "%")

(setq mew-imap-server "mail") ;; if not localhost
(setq mew-imap-ssl t)
(setq mew-imap-ssl-port "993")
(setq mew-imap-user "je15646 at example.com") 

;; send email via SMTP
(setq mew-smtp-server "llsmtp") ;; if not localhost
(setq mew-smtp-ssl t)
(setq mew-smtp-ssl-port "587")
(setq mew-smtp-port "587")
(setq mew-smtp-user "je15646")
(setq mew-ssl-verify-level 0)
(setq mew-tls-smtp "smtp")
(setq mew-smtp-auth-list `("PLAIN" "LOGIN" "CRAM-MD5"))
(setq mew-use-cached-passwd t)
(setq mew-use-master-passwd t)

(setq mew-protect-privacy-always t)
(setq mew-protect-privacy-always-type 'smime-signature)

;(setq mew-msg-rm-policy "trashonly")
(setq mew-msg-rm-policy "always")  ;; c.f. http://www.xemacs.org/Documentation/packages/html/mew_5.html#SEC26

(setq mew-save-dir "~/detached/")   ;; JMR, 2010-08-11

;;; MIME settings
;(defvar mew-prog-pdf "evince")
(setq mew-prog-pdf "evince")
(setq mew-prog-msword-ext "ooffice")        ; command line: % ooffice -writer
(setq mew-prog-msword "ooffice")
(setq mew-prog-msexcel-ext "ooffice")     ; command line: % ooffice -calc
(setq mew-prog-msexcel "ooffice")
(setq mew-prog-mspowerpoint-ext "ooffice")  ; command line: % ooffice -impress
(setq mew-prog-mspowerpoint "ooffice")      ; command line: % ooffice -impress

; See Sec. 4.1 of below manual:
; http://www.mew.org/en/info/release/mew_4.html#unread-mark
; Messages still marked as unread on server with and without this command
(setq mew-use-unread-mark t)

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