[mew-int 3045] Re: Charset (UTF-8) for body is mis-matched.

Harald Hanche-Olsen hanche at example.com
Wed Feb 29 02:43:47 JST 2012

[Christophe TROESTLER <Christophe.Troestler at example.com> (2012-02-28 17:33:08 UTC)]

> For the attached message, Mew says "Charset (UTF-8) for body is
> mis-matched.".  However, if I save the body of the message and display
> it in UTF-8, the text is fine.  What is origin of the problem and how
> can I correct it?

It seems to me that the signature block in that message contains some
latin-1 encoded text:

  Pour transf&eactue;rer le message à quelqu'un cliquez-ici

- Harald

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