[mew-int 3099] Re: How to debug Imap issues

Walter Landry wlandry at example.com
Mon Jul 2 11:23:01 JST 2012

Tatsuya Kinoshita <tats at example.com> wrote:
> On June 29, 2012, [mew-int 3097],
> wlandry (at caltech.edu) wrote:
>>> Can you see that 'C-uZ' actually collects IMAP folder in the *mew
>>> debug* buffer?
>> I do not have a *mew debug* buffer.  mew-buffer-debug is set to "*Mew
>> debug*", but that does not exist either.  When I type 'C-uZ', I do see
>> a regular message "Collecting local folders...done".
> To collect IMAP folders, go to the %inbox, and then type 'C-uZ'.

That worked.  I was in +inbox and that did not work.

In any case, I looked at the output for the setup that worked and the
setup that did not work. For the setup that worked, after logging in,
Mew immediately selected "inbox".  For the setup that did not work, it
just listed the mailboxes and logged out.

I fixed the new setup by moving my ~/Mail directory to ~/Mail_old.
Then checked my mail twice, and on the second try Mew checked mail
correctly.  Weird.  In any case, it all works now.

Walter Landry

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