[mew-int 3154] Re: Lost messages

Christophe TROESTLER Christophe.Troestler at example.com
Wed Jul 3 19:45:22 JST 2013

On Wed, 3 Jul 2013 12:16:22 +0200, Christophe TROESTLER wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a folder with an accent encoded in UTF-8.  However, when I
> refiled some mails, I got
> mew-dir-messages: Opening directory: no such file or directory, /home/chris/Mail/Math/préfets
> and the message disappeared!!

Actually the messages were not erased, only the summary was showing

> IMHO, when a refile cannot be performed (for whatever reason), the
> message should stay in the original folder with the refile mark kept
> so one can fix it.

I still maintain that the process should be more robust in case a
failure happens — I had to refile many messages that I had refiled

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