[Mew-Win32 00109] I can't send mail

Yoshitaka Sainomoto sainmt at example.com
1998年 1月 21日 (水) 13:55:50 JST


Meadow $B=i?4<T$N;d$K$h$-%"%I%P%$%9$rD:$-$?$/(Bmail $B$r=q$+$;$FD:$-$^$7$?!#(B

Unix $BHG(B Mew 1.92.4 + im-76$B$+$i(B
Meadow 0.50b1 + Mew 1.93b8 + im-83$B$X$N0\9T$r9M$($F$$$^$9!#(B

   SMTP $B7PM3$G(Bmail$B$,Aw?.$G$-$J$$(B

         perl imls
         perl imget
         perl imput sainmt at example.com
      $B$J$I$H$d$k$H at example.com>o$KF0:n$7(B,imput$B$K4X$7$F$b$A$c$s$HAw?.$G$-$^$9!#(B
   2,mew $B$G$NF0:n(B
       $BAw?.0J30(B($B<u?.Ey(B)$B$O at example.com>o$KF0:n$7$F$$$k(B($B$h$&$G$9(B)$B!#(B
       $B$5$i$KAw?.$K4X$7$F$b(Berror message $BEy$O$J$K$b$G$:(B,$B at example.com>o$KAw$C$F$k$h$&$K8+$($^$9!#(B



$B4D6-$O(BWindows 95
      Meadow 0.50b1 (meadow-0_50b1-i386.tar.gz)
      perl 5.004    (pl5404w0.zip)
      im-83         (im83w0.zip)
      mew 1.93b8    (mew193b8.zip)

~/.emacs$B$O(Bunix$BHG$G$N(BMew $B4XO"ItJ,$rH4$-$@$7(B,$B$3$*$j$d$^MM$N(BMeadow $B$N%Z!<%8(B

#config $B$H(B.emacs$BE:IU$7$F$*$-$^$9!#(B

$B$b$7(BFAQ $B%l%Y%k$NLdBj$G$7$?$i$*<j?t$r$H$i$;$?$3$H$r$*OM$SCW$7$^$9!#(B

#Meadow $B$_$?$$$J3+H/%P!<%8%g%s$OKM$_$?$$$J=i?4<T$,;H$&$J$C$F8@$o$l$=$&$G$9$,!#!#!#(B


$B:M%N85(B  $B5A5.(B
 Yoshitaka Sainomoto
 e-mail : sainmt at example.com
 Hitachi Co.Ltd.
 Information Systems R&D Division

-------------- next part --------------


;; Emacs customization file     by NAOHIRO Koriyama <kory at example.com>
;; specified for Emacs20, Meadow 

;;; coding-system
(set-language-environment "Japanese")
(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'sjis)
(set-keyboard-coding-system    'sjis)
(set-default-coding-systems 'sjis)
(setq default-process-coding-system (cons 'sjis 'sjis))
(set-keyboard-coding-system    'sjis)
(set-terminal-coding-system    'sjis)

(set-clipboard-coding-system 'sjis-dos)
(set-w32-system-coding-system 'sjis)
(setq network-coding-system-alist '(("nntp" . (junet-unix . junet-unix))
                                    (110 . (no-conversion . no-conversion))
                                    (25 . (no-conversion . no-conversion))))

;;; personal load-path
(setq load-path
       (list (expand-file-name "c:/unix/local/meadow/site-lisp/mew")) load-path))

;;; shell command option
;(setq shell-command-option "-c") ;; if use UNIX-like shell "tcsh" or "bash", uncomment this line

;;; mw32script
(require 'mw32script)

;;; ime 
(select-input-method "MW32-IME")
(setq-default mw32-ime-mode-line-state-indicator "[--]")
(setq mw32-ime-mode-line-state-indicator-list '("[--]" "[$Brc(B]" "[--]"))

;; leim
;(setq load-path 
;      (append 
;       (list "d:/Meadow/leim") load-path))
;(load "leim-list")

;;; 3button mouse setting
;(setq win32-lbutton-to-emacs-button 0)
;(setq win32-mbutton-to-emacs-button 1)
;(setq win32-rbutton-to-emacs-button 2)

;;; font setting for Meadow
(cond ((eq window-system 'w32)
(let ((font "Courier-12"))
  (w32-add-font font
                '((encoding-type . 0)
                  (charset-num . 0)
                  (overhang . 7)
                  (base . 12)
                  (height . 16)
                  (width . 7)))
   font 0 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 1 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 2
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 3
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49)))

(let ((font "Courier-12-ISO-8859-1"))
  (w32-add-font font
                '((encoding-type . 1)
                  (charset-num . 0)
                  (overhang . 0)
                  (base . 12)
                  (height . 16)
                  (width . 7)))
   font 0 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 1 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 2
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 3
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49)))

(let ((font "Nihongo-12"))
  (w32-add-font font
                '((encoding-type . 4)
                  (charset-num . 0)
                  (overhang . 0)
                  (base . 12)
                  (height . 16)
                  (width . 7)))
   font 0 
   '(w32-logfont "$BqMqS(B $Bc4c7cCc/(B" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 49))
   font 1 
   '(w32-logfont "$BqMqS(B $Bc4c7cCc/(B" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 49))
   font 2
   '(w32-logfont "$BqMqS(B $B(B*INFN(" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 17))*B
   font 3
   '(w32-logfont "$BqMqS(B $B(B*INFN(" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 17)))*B

; (w32-add-font "Hojokanji-16" 
;             '((default-ascent . 0)
;               (relative-compose . 0)
;               (encoding-type . 0)
;               (overhang . 0)
;               (base . 16)
;               (height . 16)
;               (width . 17)))
; (w32-change-font-logfont
;  "Hojokanji-16" 0 '(bdf-font "d:/Meadow/bdf/Japanese/jiskan16.bdf"))

(new-fontset "private-fontset" '((ascii . "Courier-12")
                                 (latin-iso8859-1 . "Courier-12-ISO-8859-1")
                                 (katakana-jisx0201 . "Nihongo-12")
                                 (japanese-jisx0208 . "Nihongo-12")
                                 (latin-jisx0201 . "Nihongo-12")
;                                (japanese-jisx0212 . "Hojokanji-16")

;; BDF font
;(load "bdffont")
;(w32-configure-bdf-font "bdf-fontset")

;; bitmap font for Meadow
;(if (fboundp 'w32-auto-regit-bdf-font)
;    (progn
;      (setq x-face-mule:uncompface-program "uncompface.exe")
;      (setq x-face-mule:highlight-x-face-with-Mew t)
;      (setq x-face-mule:highlight-x-face-position 'from)
;      (setq x-face-mule:highlight-x-face-style 'xmas)
;      (add-hook 'mime-view-content-header-filter-hook
;               'x-face-mule:gnus-art-mime-highlight-headers t)
;      (require 'x-face-mule)
;      (require 'bitmap)
;      (w32-auto-regist-bdf-font "Bitmap-16" "d:/Meadow/bdf/etl8x16-bitmap.bdf")
;      (set-fontset-font "private-fontset" 'bitmap "Bitmap-16")
;       (set-fontset-font "bdf-fontset" 'bitmap "Bitmap-16")
;      ))

;;; frame parameter
(setq default-frame-alist
      (append (list '(foreground-color . "black")
                    '(background-color . "cornsilk")
                    '(border-color . "red")
                    '(mouse-color . "mediumpurple")
                    '(cursor-color . "green")
                    '(vertical-scroll-bars .nil)
                    '(width . 80)
;                   '(height . 60)
                    '(top . 25)
                    '(left . 80)
                    '(font . "private-fontset")
                    '(ime-font . "Nihongo-12")

;;; personal load-path
;(setq load-path 
;      (append 
;       (list (expand-file-name "~/lisp")) load-path))
;(setq load-path 
;      (append 
;       (list "d:/Meadow/leim") load-path))
;(load "leim-list")

;;; where to put save file 
(if (file-exists-p "~/.saves/")
    (setq auto-save-list-file-prefix "~/.saves/"))

;;; info-path
;(setq Info-directory-list
;      (append
;       (list (expand-file-name "~/info") "d:/Meadow/0.50b1/info") Info-default-directory-list))

;;; font-lock
(if window-system
      (global-font-lock-mode t)
      (setq font-lock-support-mode 'fast-lock-mode)
      (setq fast-lock-cache-directories '("~/.emacs-flc"))

;;; mode-line
(line-number-mode 1)
(column-number-mode 1)

;;; key setting
;(keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)
;(global-set-key "\M-?" 'help-command)

;;; misc setting
(setq next-screen-context-lines 4)
(setq kill-whole-line           t)
(setq transient-mark-mode       t)
(setq user-mail-address "sainmt at example.com")
(setq user-full-name "Yoshitaka Sainomoto")

;;; match-paren
(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "%" 'match-paren)
(global-set-key "%" 'match-paren) 
(defun match-paren (arg)
  "Go to the matching parenthesis if on parenthesis otherwise insert %."
  (interactive "p")
  (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
        ((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))
        (t (self-insert-command (or arg 1)))))

;;; go next-visual-line
(global-set-key "\C-p" 'previous-window-line)
(global-set-key "\C-n" 'next-window-line)
(global-set-key [up] 'previous-window-line)
(global-set-key [down] 'next-window-line)

(defun previous-window-line (n)
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((cur-col
         (- (current-column)
            (save-excursion (vertical-motion 0) (current-column)))))
    (vertical-motion (- n))
    (move-to-column (+ (current-column) cur-col)))
  (run-hooks 'auto-line-hook)

(defun next-window-line (n)
  (interactive "p")
  (let ((cur-col
         (- (current-column)
            (save-excursion (vertical-motion 0) (current-column)))))
    (vertical-motion n)
    (move-to-column (+ (current-column) cur-col)))
  (run-hooks 'auto-line-hook)

;;; C/C++ mode
;; Customizations for all of c-mode, c++-mode, and objc-mode
(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
  ;; add my personal style and set it for the current buffer
;  (c-set-style "gnu")
  (c-set-style "cc-mode")
  ;; offset customizations not in my-c-style
  (c-set-offset 'member-init-intro '++)
  ;; tab-width
  (setq tab-width 4)
  ;; this will make sure spaces are used instead of tabs
;  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  ;; we like auto-newline and hungry-delete
  (c-toggle-auto-hungry-state 1)
  ;; keybindings for C, C++, and Objective-C.  We can put these in
  ;; c-mode-map because c++-mode-map and objc-mode-map inherit it
  (define-key c-mode-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
  ;;; match-paren
;; THE following only works in Emacs 19
;; Emacs 18ers can use (setq c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)

(load "mime-setup")
(eval-after-load "mime-view" '(require 'mime-file))
(setq mime-edit-split-message nil)
(setq default-mime-char 'junet)

;;; c-sig
(autoload 'add-signature "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
(autoload 'delete-signature "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
(autoload 'insert-signature-eref "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
(autoload 'insert-signature-automatically "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
(autoload 'insert-signature-randomly "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
;(random t)
;(setq sig-purge t) ;; delete spaces after signature
;(setq sig-separator "--\n") ;; separator

;; xcite
(autoload 'xcite "xcite" "Exciting cite" t)
(autoload 'xcite-yank-cur-msg "xcite" "Exciting cite" t)

;;; x-face
;(require 'x-face)
;(setq x-face-add-x-face-version-header t)
;(setq x-face-compressor nil)
;(setq x-face-default-xbm-file "rei.xbm")
; (function (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook 'x-face-define-menu)))
; '(cmail-summary-mode-hook
;   gnus-message-setup-hook gnus-summary-mode-hook
;   mail-mode-hook
;   mew-draft-mode-hook mew-summary-mode-hook mew-virtual-mode-hook
;   mh-folder-mode-hook mh-letter-mode-hook
;   rmail-mode-hook vm-summary-mode-hook))

;;; select-x-face
;(require 'select-xface)
;(setq select-xface-directory (expand-file-name "~/x-faces"))
;(add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook
;         (lambda ()
;           (define-key (current-local-map) "\C-x4x"
;             'select-xface)))

;;; browse-url
(require 'browse-url)
(setq browse-url-netscape-program "start.exe") ;;; PLEASE MODIFY
;(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-ie)
;(setq browse-url-ie-program "d:/Program Files/Plus!/Microsoft Internet/iexplore.exe")
(defun browse-url-ie (url)
  (interactive (browse-url-interactive-arg "URL: "))
  (if browse-url-ie-program
      (let ((w32-start-process-show-window t))
        (start-process (concat browse-url-ie-program url) nil browse-url-ie-program url))))

;(global-set-key [S-mouse-2] 'browse-url-at-mouse)

;;; ange ftp
(setq ange-ftp-ftp-program-name "d:/Meadow/0.50b1/bin/ftp.exe") ;;; PLEASE MODIFY

;;; gnuserv
;(require 'gnuserv)

;;; windows.el
;(require 'windows)
;(define-key ctl-x-map "C" 'see-you-again)

;;; end of my .emacs configuration

;;  Mew

(autoload 'mew "mew" nil t)
(autoload 'mew-send "mew" nil t)
(global-set-key "\C-xm" 'mew-send)
(global-set-key "\C-xr" 'mew)
(setq mew-mail-domain-list '("isrd.hitachi.co.jp"))
(setq mew-reply-to nil)
(setq mew-replyto-to-list '("Reply-To:"))
(setq mew-replyto-cc-list nil)
(setq mew-fcc "+pool")
;(setq mew-icon-directory "c:/unix/local/mew-1.93b8/etc")
(setq mew-from
        (concat "Yoshitaka Sainomoto" " <"
         "sainmt at example.com>"))
(setq mew-demo nil)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-subject   'default)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-from      'default)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-to        'default)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-key       'default)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-private   'default)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-important 'default)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-marginal  'default)
(setq mew-highlight-header-style-xmew      'default)

(setq mew-highlight-header-color-subject   "Khaki")
(setq mew-highlight-header-color-from      "LightBlue")
(setq mew-highlight-header-color-to        "LightBlue")
(setq mew-highlight-header-color-key       "SpringGreen")
(setq mew-highlight-header-color-private   (face-foreground 'default))
(setq mew-highlight-header-color-important "SpringGreen")
(setq mew-highlight-header-color-marginal  "white")
(setq mew-highlight-header-color-xmew      "Red")

(add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-hook
      (function (lambda ()
                  (setq mew-mime-content-type
                        (cons '("application/octet-stream" "\\.lzh$"
                                "base64" (mew-mime-application/octet-stream () nil))

(add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-hook
      (function (lambda ()
                  (setq mew-mime-content-type
                        (cons '("application/octet-stream" "\\.zip$"
                                "base64" (mew-mime-application/octet-stream () nil))

(add-hook 'mew-summary-mode-hook
      (function (lambda ()
                  (define-key mew-summary-mode-map "\C-cr" 'mew-summary-auto-refile)

;(setq mew-init-hook
;      '(lambda ()
;         (require 'signature)
;         ; remap \C-c\C-i to insert-signature from signature.el)
;         (define-key mew-draft-mode-map "\C-c\C-i" 'insert-signature)
;         (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook (function mew-mark-process-all-folders))
;         ))

(setq  mew-refile-guess-alist
      ("mew-dist at example.com" . "+m-list/mew-dist")
      ("mule-win32 at example.com" . "+m-list/mule-win32")
      ("mew-dist at example.com" . "+m-list/mew-dist")
      ("mule-win32 at example.com" . "+m-list/mule-win32")

(defvar mew-refile-guess-control

;;; End



### Sample /usr/local/lib/im/SiteConfig
### Syntax::
###	key=value
###  * "key=value" is equivalent to "--key=value" style command option.
###  * "key" must start at the beginning of the line.
###  * "=" must follow after "key" without white spaces.
###  * White spaces are allowed between "=" and "value".
###  * ":" can be used instead of "=".
###  * Characters after "#" are ignored.
### The following examples are all the same:
###	key=value
###	key=  value
###	key:value
###     key:  value
### $variable will be expanded.
### '~' will be expanded.

## Default global parameters

Name=Yoshitaka Sainomoto
Address=sainmt at example.com

# directories (relative to ~/)
#NewsDir=News			# for saved news

# folders in $MailDir
InboxFolder=+inbox		# default destination of imget
TrashFolder=+trash		# default destination of message removal in Mew

# folder style in $NewsDir

# mode for creation

# to keep state of IM commands (CurrentFolder, etc.)
#ContextFile=Context		# relative to ~/.im/

## Default settings

# mail address aliases
AliasesFile=~/.im/aliases		# relative to ~/.im/
# PetName: mail address aliases for displaying
#PetnameFile=Petnames		# relative to ~/.im/

# Message-ID database
#MsgDBFile=msgiddb		# location (relative to ~/.im/)
#MsgDBType=DB			# type of database (DB, NDBM, SDBM)

# to call user defined subroutines (relative to ~/.im/)
#GetSbr=get.sbr			# hooks for imget
#ScanSbr=scan.sbr		# hooks for imget/imls

# folders
#Src=$InboxFolder		# default source of most commands
#Imrm.Src=$TrashFolder		# default source for message cleanups

# imget/imls
Form=%4n %m%d %-17A %-20S <<%-45b	# default format for scanning
Width=97			# default width for scanning
JisSafe=on			# escape seq. of JIS char. should be managed
#Indent=2			# indent step for threading

# servers
Smtpservers=43pss20.33g.isrd.hitachi.co.jp		# default server for SMTP
#NntpServers=localhost		# default server for NNTP

# imget
Imget.Src=pop			# default source of imget (local mailbox)
#PopHistory=pophist		# to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
#NntpHistory=newshist		# to save last state (relative to ~/.im/)
#MBoxStyle=qmail		# if folder style mbox of qmail is used
#Imget.Src=local:${HOME}/MailDir# in case of qmail

PopAccount=/POP:sainmt at example.com	# Account info for POP access
#ImapAccount=/AUTH at example.com/143# Account info for IMAP access
#HttpProxy=proxy-server:8080	# Proxy server for HTTP access
#NoProxy=http://.*my.domain/	# URL regex not to use Proxy server
#UsePwAgent=yes			# Use password agent
#PwAgentPort=6543		# Port to connect pwagent with TCP/IP
#PwAgentPort=0				# (Insecure for multi-user system!)
				# 0 to use UNIX domain socket (more secure)

# be careful on security if you wish to use PwFiles!
UsePwFiles=yes			# Use password files
PwFiles=~/.im/password		# Password files (relative to ~/.im/)

# imput
#FccDir=$MailDir		# directory for FCC folders
#MsgIdDomain=${HOST}		# if you want to use FQDN of dispatching host

Mew-win32 メーリングリストの案内