[Mew-Win32 00750] b44

Yamada Yasuharu ( 山田康晴 ) yasuharu at example.com
1998年 7月 3日 (金) 13:28:18 JST


旧環境から新環境に VerUP したところ、リプライ・フォワードが
効かなくなってしまいました(A, fキー)
A or f キーを押すと To: フィールドは自動挿入されるのですが
Symbol's variable is void: mew-draft-body-map

C-cC-Tab or C-cC-iで.signatureを探しにいってしまいます。



  Meadow 1.00
  Meadow 1.00

Yamada Yasuharu
yasuharu at example.com

-------------- next part --------------
;; Emacs customization file -*- emacs-lisp -*-
;; by NAOHIRO Koriyama <kory at example.com>
;; specified for Emacs20, Meadow 

;;; coding-system
(set-language-environment "Japanese")
(set-default-coding-systems 'sjis)
(set-keyboard-coding-system    'sjis)
(set-terminal-coding-system    'sjis)
(setq file-name-coding-system 'sjis)
(set-clipboard-coding-system 'sjis-dos)
(set-w32-system-coding-system 'sjis-dos)
(setq network-coding-system-alist '(("nntp" . (junet-unix . junet-unix))
				    (110 . (no-conversion . no-conversion))
				    (25 . (no-conversion . no-conversion))))

;;; shell command option
(setq shell-command-switch "-c") ;; if use UNIX-like shell "tcsh" or "bash", uncomment this line

;;; mw32script
;(require 'mw32script)

;;; ime 
(select-input-method "MW32-IME")
(setq-default mw32-ime-mode-line-state-indicator "[--]")
(setq mw32-ime-mode-line-state-indicator-list '("[--]" "[あ]" "[--]"))

;; leim
;(setq load-path 
;      (append 
;       (list "d:/Meadow/leim") load-path))
;(load "leim-list")

;;; 3button mouse setting
;(setq win32-lbutton-to-emacs-button 0)
;(setq win32-mbutton-to-emacs-button 1)
;(setq win32-rbutton-to-emacs-button 2)

;;; font setting for Meadow
(cond ((eq window-system 'w32)
(let ((font "Courier-12"))
  (w32-add-font font
		'((encoding-type . 0)
		  (charset-num . 0)
		  (overhang . 7)
		  (base . 12)
		  (height . 16)
		  (width . 7)))
   font 0 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 1 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 2
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 3
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49)))

(let ((font "Courier-12-ISO-8859-1"))
  (w32-add-font font
		'((encoding-type . 1)
		  (charset-num . 0)
		  (overhang . 0)
		  (base . 12)
		  (height . 16)
		  (width . 7)))
   font 0 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 1 
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 2
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 400 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49))
   font 3
   '(w32-logfont "Courier New" 0 -12 700 0 t nil nil 0 1 3 49)))

(let ((font "Nihongo-12"))
  (w32-add-font font
		'((encoding-type . 4)
		  (charset-num . 0)
		  (overhang . 0)
		  (base . 12)
		  (height . 16)
		  (width . 7)))
   font 0 
   '(w32-logfont "MS ゴシック" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 49))
   font 1 
   '(w32-logfont "MS ゴシック" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 49))
   font 2
   '(w32-logfont "MS 明朝" 0 -12 400 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 17))
   font 3
   '(w32-logfont "MS 明朝" 0 -12 700 0 nil nil nil 128 1 3 17)))

; (w32-add-font "Hojokanji-16" 
;	      '((default-ascent . 0)
;		(relative-compose . 0)
;		(encoding-type . 0)
;		(overhang . 0)
;		(base . 16)
;		(height . 16)
;		(width . 17)))
; (w32-change-font-logfont
;  "Hojokanji-16" 0 '(bdf-font "d:/Meadow/bdf/Japanese/jiskan16.bdf"))

(new-fontset "private-fontset" '((ascii . "Courier-12")
				 (latin-iso8859-1 . "Courier-12-ISO-8859-1")
				 (katakana-jisx0201 . "Nihongo-12")
				 (japanese-jisx0208 . "Nihongo-12")
				 (latin-jisx0201 . "Nihongo-12")
;				 (japanese-jisx0212 . "Hojokanji-16")

;; BDF font
;(load "bdffont")
;(w32-configure-bdf-font "bdf-fontset")

;; bitmap font for Meadow
;(if (and window-system
;	 (fboundp 'w32-auto-regist-bdf-font))
;    (progn
;      (setq x-face-mule:uncompface-program "uncompface.exe")
;      (setq x-face-mule:highlight-x-face-with-Mew t)
;      (setq x-face-mule:highlight-x-face-position 'from)
;      (setq x-face-mule:highlight-x-face-style 'xmas)
;      (add-hook 'mime-view-content-header-filter-hook
;		'x-face-mule:gnus-art-mime-highlight-headers t)
;      (require 'x-face-mule)
;      (require 'bitmap)
;      (w32-auto-regist-bdf-font "Bitmap-16" "d:/Meadow/bdf/etl8x16-bitmap.bdf")
;      (set-fontset-font "private-fontset" 'bitmap "Bitmap-16")
;      (set-fontset-font "bdf-fontset" 'bitmap "Bitmap-16")
;      ))

;;; frame parameter
(setq default-frame-alist
      (append (list '(foreground-color . "black")
		    '(background-color . "honeydew2")
		    '(border-color . "red")
		    '(mouse-color . "mediumpurple")
		    '(cursor-color . "black")
		    ;'(vertical-scroll-bars .nil)
		; フレームの横幅
		    '(width . 80)
		; フレームの高さ
		    '(height . 44)
		; フレームのX座標の位置
		    '(top . 0)
		; フレームのY座標の位置
		    '(left . 125)
		    '(font . "private-fontset")
		    '(ime-font . "Nihongo-12")

;; Find file
(cd "~")

;;  エラーが起きたとき、デバッグモードをオンにする
;(setq debug-on-error t)

;;; personal load-path
;(setq load-path 
;      (append 
;       (list (expand-file-name "~/lisp")) load-path))
;(setq load-path 
;      (append 
;       (list "d:/Meadow/leim") load-path))
;(load "leim-list")

;;; where to put save file 
;(if (file-exists-p "~/.saves/")
;    (setq auto-save-list-file-prefix "~/.saves/"))

;;; info-path
;(setq Info-directory-list
;      (append
;       (list (expand-file-name "~/info") "d:/Meadow/0.50b3/info") Info-default-directory-list))

;;; font-lock
(if window-system
      (global-font-lock-mode t)
      (setq font-lock-support-mode 'fast-lock-mode)
      (setq fast-lock-cache-directories '("~/.emacs-flc"))

;;; not newline
(setq next-line-add-newlines nil)

;; Yamada Yasuharu (local)
;;; Mew の設定 ;;;
(setq load-path
	  (cons (expand-file-name (concat exec-directory "../site-lisp/mew"))
(load "~/.mew")

;;; c-sig の設定 ;;;
(autoload 'add-signature "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
(autoload 'delete-signature "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
;; 対話的に選択する。
(autoload 'insert-signature-eref "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
;; データベースからの検索結果に従って自動的に挿入する。
;(autoload 'insert-signature-automatically "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
;; ランダムに挿入する。
;(autoload 'insert-signature-randomly "c-sig" "c-sig" t)
;;; Mewでシグネチャを対話的に選択する設定
(setq mew-draft-mode-hook
   (function (lambda ()
    (define-key mew-draft-body-map "\C-c\C-i" 'insert-signature-eref)))) 
;シグネチャは M-x add-signature で登録できます。
;MewのDraftバッファで C-c C-i をすると、シグネチャの選択バッファが

;;; 現在の位置をパーセントでなく行数で示す。
(line-number-mode 1)
(column-number-mode 1)

;;; 時刻を表示する

;;; key setting
;(keyboard-translate ?\C-h ?\C-?)
;(global-set-key "\M-?" 'help-command)

;;; misc setting
(setq next-screen-context-lines 4)
(setq kill-whole-line		t)
(setq transient-mark-mode	t)
(setq user-mail-address "nana4 at example.com") ;;; PLEASE MODIFY
(setq user-full-name "NANASHINO Gonbei") ;;; PLEASE MODIFY

;;; match-paren
(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "%" 'match-paren)
(global-set-key "%" 'match-paren) 
(defun match-paren (arg)
  "Go to the matching parenthesis if on parenthesis otherwise insert %."
  (interactive "p")
  (cond ((looking-at "\\s\(") (forward-list 1) (backward-char 1))
	((looking-at "\\s\)") (forward-char 1) (backward-list 1))
	(t (self-insert-command (or arg 1)))))

;;; go next-visual-line
;(global-set-key "\C-p" 'previous-window-line)
;(global-set-key "\C-n" 'next-window-line)
;(global-set-key [up] 'previous-window-line)
;(global-set-key [down] 'next-window-line)

;(defun previous-window-line (n)
;  (interactive "p")
;  (let ((cur-col
;	 (- (current-column)
;	    (save-excursion (vertical-motion 0) (current-column)))))
;    (vertical-motion (- n))
;    (move-to-column (+ (current-column) cur-col)))
;  (run-hooks 'auto-line-hook)
;  )

;(defun next-window-line (n)
;  (interactive "p")
;  (let ((cur-col
;	 (- (current-column)
;	    (save-excursion (vertical-motion 0) (current-column)))))
;    (vertical-motion n)
;    (move-to-column (+ (current-column) cur-col)))
;  (run-hooks 'auto-line-hook)
;  )

;;; C/C++ mode
;; Customizations for all of c-mode, c++-mode, and objc-mode
(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
  ;; add my personal style and set it for the current buffer
;  (c-set-style "gnu")
  (c-set-style "cc-mode")
  ;; offset customizations not in my-c-style
  (c-set-offset 'member-init-intro '++)
  ;; tab-width
  (setq tab-width 4)
  ;; this will make sure spaces are used instead of tabs
;  (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
  ;; we like auto-newline and hungry-delete
  (c-toggle-auto-hungry-state 1)
  ;; keybindings for C, C++, and Objective-C.  We can put these in
  ;; c-mode-map because c++-mode-map and objc-mode-map inherit it
  (define-key c-mode-map "\C-m" 'newline-and-indent)
  ;;; match-paren
;; THE following only works in Emacs 19
;; Emacs 18ers can use (setq c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)
(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)

(load "mime-setup")
(eval-after-load "mime-view" '(require 'mime-file))
(setq mime-edit-split-message nil)
(setq default-mime-charset 'junet)
(setq exec-suffix-list '("" ".exe"))

;; xcite
(autoload 'xcite "xcite" "Exciting cite" t)
(autoload 'xcite-yank-cur-msg "xcite" "Exciting cite" t)

;;; x-face
;(require 'x-face)
;(setq x-face-add-x-face-version-header t)
;(setq x-face-compressor nil)
;(setq x-face-default-xbm-file "rei.xbm")
; (function (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook 'x-face-define-menu)))
; '(cmail-summary-mode-hook
;   gnus-message-setup-hook gnus-summary-mode-hook
;   mail-mode-hook
;   mew-draft-mode-hook mew-summary-mode-hook mew-virtual-mode-hook
;   mh-folder-mode-hook mh-letter-mode-hook
;   rmail-mode-hook vm-summary-mode-hook))

;;; select-x-face
;(require 'select-xface)
;(setq select-xface-directory (expand-file-name "~/x-faces"))
;(add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook
;	  (lambda ()
;	    (define-key (current-local-map) "\C-x4x"
;	      'select-xface)))

;;; browse-url
;(require 'browse-url)
(setq browse-url-generic-program "fiber.exe")
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic)

;(global-set-key [S-mouse-2] 'browse-url-at-mouse)

;;; ange ftp
;(setq ange-ftp-ftp-program-name "d:/Meadow/0.50b3/bin/ftp.exe")

(setq dired-move-to-filename-regexp "\\(Jan\\|Feb\\|Mar\\|Apr\\|May\\|Jun\\|Jul\\|Aug\\|Sep\\|Oct\\|Nov\\|Dec\\|[ 1][0-9]月\\)[ ]*[0-9]+日*[ ]*[ 0-9][ 0-9][:0-9時][0-9][ 0-9][ 0-9分]*[年]*[ ]+")

(defmacro xange-ftp-replace-listed-strings-in-buffer (strlist)
  (` (let (fromto (strl (, strlist)))
	 (while strl
	   (setq fromto (car strl) strl (cdr strl))
	   (goto-char (point-min))
	   (while (search-forward (car fromto) nil t)
	     (replace-match (cdr fromto) nil t)))))))
(defvar xange-ftp-repl-list  
    ("合計" . "total")    ("日 1" . "   1")    ("日 2" . "   2")    ("日" . "")
    ("年" . "")    (" 1月" . "Jan")    (" 2月" . "Feb")    (" 3月" . "Mar")
    (" 4月" . "Apr")    (" 5月" . "May")    (" 6月" . "Jun")    (" 7月" . "Jul")
    (" 8月" . "Aug")    (" 9月" . "Sep")    ("10月" . "Oct")    ("11月" . "Nov")
    ("12月" . "Dec")))
(defun xange-ftp-translate-ls-output ()
  (xange-ftp-replace-listed-strings-in-buffer xange-ftp-repl-list))
(add-hook 'ange-ftp-before-parse-ls-hook

;;; print
  (lambda (x) (general-process-argument-editing-function x nil t)))
(setq print-region-function
      '(lambda (start end &rest dummyargs)
	 (let ((tmpfile
		 (concat (or (getenv "TMP") (getenv "TEMP")) "/"
			 (make-temp-name "L") ".tmp"))))
	   (if (file-exists-p tmpfile)
	       (signal 'file-error
		       '("temporary file exists!")))
	   (let ((coding-system-for-write 'sjis-dos))
	     (write-region start end tmpfile))
	   (call-process "notepad" nil nil nil "/p" tmpfile)
	   (delete-file tmpfile))))

;;; gnuserv
;(require 'gnuserv)

;;; windows.el
;(require 'windows)
;(define-key ctl-x-map "C" 'see-you-again)

;;; end of my .emacs configuration
-------------- next part --------------
;;; Mew の設定 ;;;
(autoload 'mew "mew" nil t)
(autoload 'mew-read "mew" nil t)
;(autoload 'mew-send "mew" nil t)
(require 'mew-win32)
(setq mew-use-folders-file-p t)

(defvar mew-header-max-depth 300)
(defvar mew-header-max-length 300)
; mew-header-max-length's value is 50
; Documentation:
; *If the length of a header exceeds this value, 
; it is not arranged nor MIME decoded.
; See also mew-header-max-depth.

;; ドメインのエイリアス ;;
(setq mew-mail-domain-list

;; 自分の mail アドレス ;;
(setq mew-mail-address "yasuharu at example.com")
(setq mew-from "Yamada Yasuharu (山田康晴) <yasuharu at example.com>")

;; オープニングデモの中止 ;;
(setq mew-demo nil)

(setq mew-header-alist
      '(("X-Emacs:" . "Meadow for Windows Version 1.00 (MIDORII)")))

;; ;;
(setq mew-replyto-to-list '("Reply-To:"))
(setq mew-replyto-cc-list '("To:" "Cc:" "Apparently-To:"))

;; 引用符 ;;
;(setq mew-cite-fields '("From:" "Subject:" "Date:" "Message-ID:"))
;(setq mew-cite-format "From: %s\nSubject: %s\nDate: %s\nMessage-ID: %s\n\n")
(setq mew-cite-fields '("Date:" "Subject:" "From:" "Subject:"))
(setq mew-cite-format "=====\n %s に戴いた\n %s について書かれた\n %s さんの手紙より:\n=====\n")
(setq mew-cite-prefix-function 'mew-cite-prefix-username)

;; 毎回 Fcc: でバックアップ ;;
(setq mew-fcc "+Backup")

;; いつも mule ウインドウ全体で Mew を使いたい;;
;(setq mew-window-use-full t)

;; To use mew-fake-cdp.el, put followings in your .emacs
(autoload 'mew-fake-cdp-setup "mew-fake-cdp")
(add-hook 'mew-init-hook 'mew-fake-cdp-setup)

;; local my refile alist ;;
(setq mew-my-refile-alist
        ("-to mew-dist@"                        . "+mew")
        ("-to mew-win32@"                       . "+WinMew")
        ("-to ogwobs@"                          . "+ogwOBs")
        ("-cc mew-dist@"                        . "+mew")
        ("-to mew-win32@"                       . "+WinMew")
        ("-cc ogwobs@"                          . "+ogwOBs")

;; local refile rule ;;
(setq  mew-refile-guess-alist
	("mew-dist@"                        . "+mew")
	("mew-win32@"                       . "+WinMew")
	("ogwobs@"                          . "+ogwOBs")
	("mew-dist@"                        . "+mew")
	("mew-win32@"                       . "+WinMew")
	("ogwobs@"                          . "+ogwOBs")

;; X-faceの情報を隠す
(defun mew-set-xface-invisible ()
    (let ((header-end))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (re-search-forward "\\(^--.*$\\)\\|\\(\n\n\\)" nil t)
	  (setq header-end (point)))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (re-search-forward 
	      "^X-Face: *\\(.*\\(\n[ \t].*\\)*\\)\n" header-end t)
;; X-Face自体を隠す
;	(put-text-property (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)
;; X-faceがついていることは示す。
	(put-text-property (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)
			   'invisible t)))))

;;; .doc .xls を base64 に
;(add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-hook
;  (function 
;    (lambda ()
;      (setq mew-mime-content-type
;        (cons '("application/octet-stream" "\\.doc$"
;                "base64" (mew-mime-application/octet-stream () nil))
;           mew-mime-content-type)
;       )

;; 色 ;;
 ((and window-system (string-match "^19" emacs-version))
      (setq hilit-mode-enable-list  nil
            hilit-background-mode   'light
            hilit-inhibit-hooks     nil
            hilit-inhibit-rebinding nil)
      (require 'hilit19)
      (add-hook 'mew-message-hook
       '(("^Subject:.*$" nil msg-subject)
         ("^From:.*$" nil msg-from)
         ("^X-.*:.*$" nil msg-quote)
         ("^>.*$" nil msg-quote)
         ("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]+:" nil msg-header)))
     (add-hook 'mew-draft-mode-hook
       '(("^Subject:.*$" nil msg-subject)
         ("^From:.*$" nil msg-from)
         ("^>.*$" nil msg-quote)
         ("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]+:" nil msg-header)))
;;; end of file

Mew-win32 メーリングリストの案内