[Mew-Win32 01169] Re: メール送信の不具合

Yu Ooasa you at example.com
1999年 2月 13日 (土) 00:14:27 JST

[Fri, 12 Feb 1999 23:48:54 +0900 (LMT)
     Kenji SATO <jakein at example.com> said...]
>imput: (while talking to mail.geocities.co.jp with smtp)
>550 <mew-win32 at example.com>... Relaying Denied: Authenticate with POP first.

error message のとおりですが、

[Tue, 7 Jul 1998 20:36:07 -0600
     comments at example.com (GeoCities World Report) said...]
>If you're using your GeoCities e-mail account to send your outgoing
>mail (your e-mail preference settings will say something like:
>outgoing mail/SMTP: mail.geocities.com) you'll now have to check
>your incoming mail (your "inbox") at GeoCities first before you can
>send any outgoing mail. 



Yu Ooasa  E-mail: you at example.com

Mew-win32 メーリングリストの案内