[mew-win32 03487] Re: how to flush queue
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2001年 11月 21日 (水) 19:53:10 JST
From: Hiroyuki Kawakatsu <kawa at example.com>
Subject: [mew-win32 03486] how to flush queue
> i'm using mew 2.1 on windoze 2k. a message that was sent when my smtp
> server was down appears to be stuck in the queue. even when the server is
> up again, i get the message
> "SMTP connection for +queue is locked"
When a message is queued by accident, the SMTP connection should be
unlocked. I don't know why your case happened.
Anyway, when such a case happens, there is no way to unlock the
connection with Mew 2.1. (It's easy to implement it.)
Sorry but please exit Emacs. And execute Mew again and type C-cC-c in
+inbox to flush the queue.
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