[mew-win32 03442] Re: relay operation rejected

Shuichi KITAGUCHI kit at example.com
2001年 9月 8日 (土) 18:22:52 JST

From: Hiroyuki Kawakatsu <hkawakat at example.com>
Subject: [mew-win32 03441] Re: relay operation rejected
Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2001 10:50:52 +0900 (JST)
> hi,
> after having done some research on "relay operation rejection," i
> tried various combinations of smtp-server settings with no avail. but
> as you can see, i finally managed to send a message to the outside
> world. 
> it appears that there is a bug in the windoze beta 2.0.51. installing
> the official release 20W0 solved the problem. (there is a new beta
> 2.0.52 uploaded; is this a fix for this bug?) 

I can change "smtp-server" with 2.0.52.
How do you write your ~/.emacs?

# I think it may not be win32-specific...

Shuichi Kitaguchi // ki at example.com

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