[mew-win32 03603] 3.0.55

Shuichi KITAGUCHI kit at example.com
2002年 7月 7日 (日) 00:13:49 JST


遅くなりましたが、3.0.55 のインストーラ/バイナリ付き版です。


zlib を 1.1.4 に変えたので、それに合わせた bin/Makefile.w32 への

Shuichi Kitaguchi // kit at example.com / ki at example.com
--- Makefile.w32.orig	Thu Jun 28 00:11:52 2001
+++ Makefile.w32	Sat Jul 06 23:36:37 2002
@@ -9,21 +9,21 @@
 # 1. If you want to use Cygwin, read ../00readme and follow its
 #    instructionx.
 # 2. You need pre-compiled and original zlib packages.
-#    Please download "zlib113-w32.zip" and original tarball
-#    from http://www.gzip.org/zlib/, and put
-#      zconf.h, zlib.h, zlib.dll, zlibstat.lib
+#    Please download original tarball from
+#      http://www.gzip.org/zlib/,
+#    and put
+#      zconf.h, zlib.h, zlib.lib
 #    to suitable directory.
 # 2. If you want to use Borland C++ Compiler, you need import library.
 #    > implib -a <filename_of_import_library> <filename_of_zlib.dll>
 # **** Please modify ****
 ZLIBINC = C:/usr/local/zlib
-ZLIBLIB = C:/usr/local/zlib/zlibstat.lib  # use static library
-#ZLIBLIB = C:/usr/local/zlib/zlibdll.lib  # use zlib.dll
+ZLIBLIB = C:/usr/local/zlib/zlib.lib
 # for Visual C++
 CC      = cl
-CFLAGS  = -nologo -O2 -W3 -Iw32 -I$(ZLIBINC)
+CFLAGS  = -nologo -O2 -W3 -MT -Iw32 -I$(ZLIBINC)
 # for Borland C++

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