[mew-win32 04178] Re: fiber.exe

moto kawasaki moto at example.com
2004年 12月 15日 (水) 18:28:44 JST


Usually, fiber.exe comes with meadow, an emacs on Windows.

http://meadow.sourceforge.jp/ (in Japanese)

Could you please advice us of your environment, such as emacs
implementation and its version, and your OS, etc., if you need
farther suggestions.


moto kawasaki <moto at example.com>

Josef Dalcolmo <dalcolmo at example.com> wrote at Wed, 15 Dec 2004 08:44:53 +0000
    regarding [mew-win32 04176] fiber.exe

dalcolmo> Hello,
dalcolmo> when I try to open a MIME attachment with c-c c-e, mew looks for fiber.exe, but I don't have fiber.exe and don't even know what that is. - ?
dalcolmo> - Josef

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