[Mew-dist 1557] patch 1 for Mew 1.89

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) Kazu at example.com
1997年 8月 21日 (木) 01:21:54 JST

Mew 1.89 causes an error on Draft mode if Suject: is empty. Please
apply this patch.

	% cd _somewhere_/mew-1.89
	% patch < _this_mail_

Sorry for your inconvenience.


*** mew-bq.el.orig	Thu Aug 21 01:16:01 1997
--- mew-bq.el	Thu Aug 21 01:18:03 1997
*** 300,306 ****
    ;; RFC 2047 encoding for 'text'.
    ;; This violates on the one point from RFC 2047.
    ;; (1) Each line may be resulted in more than 75 chars.
!   (if (equal mew-cs-ascii (mew-find-cs-region beg end))
        ();; fast path
      (let ((spec (mew-cs-grouping-magic
  		 (mew-cs-separate-region beg end)))
--- 300,307 ----
    ;; RFC 2047 encoding for 'text'.
    ;; This violates on the one point from RFC 2047.
    ;; (1) Each line may be resulted in more than 75 chars.
!   (if (or (equal beg end)
! 	  (equal mew-cs-ascii (mew-find-cs-region beg end)))
        ();; fast path
      (let ((spec (mew-cs-grouping-magic
  		 (mew-cs-separate-region beg end)))
*** 382,388 ****
    ;; This violates on the two point from RFC 2047.
    ;; (1) Each line may be resulted in more than 75 chars.
    ;; (2) Not check for 'qtext'.
!   (if (equal mew-cs-ascii (mew-find-cs-region beg end))
        ();; fast path
      (let ((spec (mew-cs-grouping-magic
  		 (mew-cs-separate-region beg end)))
--- 383,390 ----
    ;; This violates on the two point from RFC 2047.
    ;; (1) Each line may be resulted in more than 75 chars.
    ;; (2) Not check for 'qtext'.
!   (if (or (equal beg end)
! 	  (equal mew-cs-ascii (mew-find-cs-region beg end)))
        ();; fast path
      (let ((spec (mew-cs-grouping-magic
  		 (mew-cs-separate-region beg end)))

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内