[Mew-dist 07132] Re: PGP woes
Mauro Condarelli
mcondarelli at example.com
1998年 12月 19日 (土) 03:51:31 JST
First of all I wish to thank for this nice piece of code.
I like very much this mailer (i use it with the latest xemacs 21.0.60)
and i would like to make it my default mailer.
Before i can do that I must resolve my PGP problem:
As far as I understand mew prepares pgp encripted or signed messages
as multipart and relues on application/pgp-... to detect the type.
Unfortunately a lot of mailers do not use this and simply braket the
message in:
Version: PGP 5.5.5 -- QDPGP 2.12
This is perfectly understandable for pgp, but is not recognized at all
by mew :-(
Another small nag is the fact I found no way (aside from directly
modify the sources) to enlarge the mime-type databese (i often deal
with dos/windows extensions as .exe .zip .rar .doc .xcl ...).
Is there a way around these problems?
What am i doing wrong?
Thanks in Advance
P.S.: I tried to search the archives, but my netscape couldn't display
anything but the subject. I assume that most is Japanese, but it seems
strange no english is around... :) :)
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