[Mew-dist 03963] mew-caesar.el patch

Hideyuki SHIRAI Shirai at example.com
1998年 2月 25日 (水) 11:44:39 JST



[Mew-dist 03804] Re: highlight-mark
の、Yuji Yamano <u90156 at example.com>さんの

-------------- next part --------------
*** mew-caesar.el.orig	Mon Feb 23 16:02:38 1998
--- mew-caesar.el	Thu Feb 26 11:24:07 1998
*** 3,9 ****
  ;;                         "Hideyuki SHIRAI" <Shirai at example.com>
  ;;                                            Created: <02/07/1998>
! ;;                                Revised: Time-stamp: <02/18/1998 20:59:09>
  ;; To use mew-caesar.el, install (tm|SEMI) package
  ;;  and put the following codes in your .emacs.
--- 3,9 ----
  ;;                         "Hideyuki SHIRAI" <Shirai at example.com>
  ;;                                            Created: <02/07/1998>
! ;;                                Revised: Time-stamp: <02/26/1998 11:24>
  ;; To use mew-caesar.el, install (tm|SEMI) package
  ;;  and put the following codes in your .emacs.
*** 20,26 ****
    (require 'mew))
! (defconst mew-caesar-version "mew-caesar.el 0.12")
  (defvar mew-caesar-use-tm nil
    "nil require \"SEMI\", t require \"tm\".")
--- 20,26 ----
    (require 'mew))
! (defconst mew-caesar-version "mew-caesar.el 0.13")
  (defvar mew-caesar-use-tm nil
    "nil require \"SEMI\", t require \"tm\".")
*** 76,82 ****
    (let* ((ofld-msg (mew-current-get 'message))
  	 (msg (mew-summary-message-number))
! 	 (part (mew-summary-part-number))
  	 (buf (buffer-name)))
      (if (or msg (not part))
  	(let ((mew-analysis nil))
--- 76,82 ----
    (let* ((ofld-msg (mew-current-get 'message))
  	 (msg (mew-summary-message-number))
! 	 (part (mew-syntax-number))
  	 (buf (buffer-name)))
      (if (or msg (not part))
  	(let ((mew-analysis nil))

Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内