[Mew-dist 06248] im/00readme

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
1998年 9月 1日 (火) 21:56:33 JST

IM の 00readme はこう変更するのでよろしいでしょうか?


Index: 00readme
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/Mew/im/00readme,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 00readme
*** 00readme	1998/08/27 22:43:06	1.6
--- 00readme	1998/09/01 12:56:29
*** 1,7 ****
  			   Internet Message
  			    Kazu Yamamoto
! 			     Aug 24, 1998
--- 1,7 ----
  			   Internet Message
  			    Kazu Yamamoto
! 			     Sep  1, 1998
*** 66,85 ****
  * Suppose that you want install IM to "/your/home/bin".
! * Execute "configure" with the "--prefix" option. 
! 	% ./configure --prefix=/your/home
! Note that you MUST specify the --prefix with "bin" REMOVED.
! Note also that the --enable-rpop option is meaningless because you
! don't have the root privilege.
! * Install them by "make install" with the "siteperl" option.
! 	% make siteperl=/your/home/bin install
! Note that the entire path including "bin" must be specified.
  		 <<<Contributions and Bug Reports>>>
--- 66,85 ----
  * Suppose that you want install IM to "/your/home/bin".
! * Execute "configure" with the "--bindir" option. 
! 	% ./configure --bindir=/your/home/bin
! Also, you can explicitly specify a directory to install "*.pm" with
! the "--with-siteperl" option. If not specified, "configure" may
! automatically find Perl library path which you installed.
! Note that the "--enable-rpop" option is meaningless because you don't
! have the root privilege.
! * Install them by "make install".
! 	% make install
  		 <<<Contributions and Bug Reports>>>

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