[Mew-dist 07403] Re: charset-guess [é,ï]
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1999年 2月 11日 (木) 14:17:26 JST
From: TROESTLER Christophe <Ch.Troestler at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 07315] Re: charset-guess [é,ï]
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 16:14:25 +0100
> Now, with Mule the guess is OK but that has a side effect (I recall
> vaguely having read it is sort of common with this implementation of
> Mule): I see \201 in the header before an accented letter (like [é,ï]
> in the subject of this mail) -- but with Japanese chars it is Ok. Any
> explanation and/or workaround?
First, Mew treats ISO-8859-1 well wherever it is used (in a body or a
Second, your Subject: was displayed well on my environment (even in
Emacs 20.3).
I guess your environment is strange because your previous message
constains, ASCII, Japanese, and Latin-1, for which Mew should choose
I suggest to put this following in your ".emacs".
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