[Mew-dist 07458] Re: A beginner of Mew

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
1999年 2月 15日 (月) 22:18:08 JST


From: Guangcheng Wen <wen at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 07448] A beginner of Mew
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 15:41:08 +0900

> 3. How to read and write a email by Chinese characters (GB code)?
>   (中国語(GB code) のメールを読み書き方。)

While Big5 support has not been tested yet, GB support has certainly
been tested at least by one user.

(1) First install Mule 2.3 or Emacs 20.3. Probably, Emacs 20.3 is

(2) To write a message in GB, just input GB code in a draft message.

Or your question is how to input GB code?

(3) When type C-cC-m, Mew automatically guesses "charset=ISO-2022-CN"
for the message.

I'm now trying to support Big5.


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