[Mew-dist 09163] Re: imsetup
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1999年 6月 4日 (金) 17:39:21 JST
#motonori さんも読んでね。
From: Teruyuki Morimura <terubou at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 09035] imsetup
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 14:52:55 +0900
> imsetup で POP, IMAP, POP Server, SMTP Server など選択できるようにして
> みました.
> メッセージが適切でないと思うので,変更してもらえると良いと思います.
Where is your home directory? [/home/kazu]
Where is your Mail directory? [/home/kazu/Mail]
Where is your News directory? [/home/kazu/News]
What is your E-mail address(es)? [kazu at example.com]
→ ここは OK。
Which Message source? (local/POP/IMAP) [local] POP
→ What kind of message spool? の方がよくない?
What is POP Authentication? (POP/APOP/RPOP) [POP] APOP
→ What kind of POP authentication mechanism? の方がよくない?
What is POP Account User Name? [kazu]
What is POP Server Name? [mail.iijlab.net] hoge.iij.ad.jp
→ What is your POP account name?
→ What is your POP server name?
# your か a が必要
Do you want to preserve messages?
POP: in days; 0=delete immediately, -1=preserve forever
otherwise: 0=delete immediately, non0=preserve forever [0]
→ ここの意味を日本語で書くとどうりますか?
What is SMTP Server Name? [hoge.iij.ad.jp]
→ What is your SMTP server name?
Do you want to use value of Content-Length header for delimitation for local
mail? (Answer yes if your OS supports Content-Length header like Solaris 2.x,
otherwise answer no.) [no]
Does your system can detect write errors without fsync(2)? (You can answer yes,
if your home directory is on local file system, otherwise answer no.) [no]
ここは OK。
PopAccount=/APOP:kazu at example.com
PopAccount=kazu at example.com
が正しいでしょうか? > motonori さん
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