[Mew-dist 11182] Re(2): +Backup (h.ANi hNi hNi...)

Christophe TROESTLER ev_galois at example.com
1999年 11月 6日 (土) 07:23:05 JST

On Thu, 04 Nov 1999, Kazu Yamamoto <kazu at example.com> wrote:
> > But what I miss is more fundamental I guess since `imls +Backup' does
> > list the From: field as well.  
> Correct. imls +Backup should work as you want.

Ok, that was a simple mistake of mine: I erased the Address=... line
from the Config file thinking it was redundant with the User=... and
FromDomain=... lines.  By the way, The Form=... should be with %A (not
%a).  Thanks for the kind replies!

On the other hand, can those using Emacs 20.4 can tell me if they see
the accents in the Subject as 'Ni' or as '\351'.  That seems to happen
when the message is 8 bits (for example, when it was autoconverted).
Is there a fix for this?

Cheers to all,

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