[Mew-dist 11184] 8bit clean

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
1999年 11月 6日 (土) 15:08:20 JST


Any header fields are not allowed to contain any 8bit characters
directly. If you wish, you should convert the 8bit chacters to 7bit.
Mew does this and your previous messages conforms it.

All versions Mew, which are released to the public, are NOT 8bit
clean. If you want to contain 8bit characters in a *body*, an
appropriate transter-encoding is applied. (e.g. quoted-printable to

However, Mew 1.95b, which will be released in the next week, *is* 8bit
clean. Hoping that you like that version.

Examples -- äé


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