[Mew-dist 11399] Re: imput -q trouble
Tatsuya Kinoshita
tatsuyak at example.com
1999年 11月 22日 (月) 18:02:38 JST
On Mon, 22 Nov 1999 15:55:40 +0900,
Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦) <kazu at example.com> wrote:
> > たとえば、~/.im/queue/1が「SSV:smtp.sv1.ne.jp」で~/.im/queue/2が
> > 「SSV:smtp.sv2.ne.jp」だった場合、imput -qとすると、~/.im/queue/2
> > の送信に「smtp.sv2.ne.jp」ではなく「smtp.sv1.ne.jp」が使われて
> > しまいます。
> 他にこれを再現できる人はいますか? コードを見る限り、こんなことは起こ
> り得ないのですが。
imput --Debug -qで、ログを取ってみました。
木下達也 (Tatsuya Kinoshita)
E-mail: tats at example.com, tatsuyak at example.com
-------------- next part --------------
imput: setting debug level all=1
imput: processing /home/user/.im/queue/1.wrk ...
imput:DEBUG: ENV>AF:
imput:DEBUG: ENV>NF:0
imput:DEBUG: ENV>PS:10
imput:DEBUG: ENV>SRH:1
imput:DEBUG: ENV>MID:<19991122172202A.user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: ENV>PT:0
imput:DEBUG: ENV>S:user at example.com
imput:DEBUG: ENV>RQ:
imput:DEBUG: ENV>SSV:sv1.xxxx.ne.jp
imput:DEBUG: ENV>NSV:news8.xxx.ne.jp
imput:DEBUG: ENV>R:<user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: reading message
imput:DEBUG: sending message
imput: opening smtp session to sv1.xxxx.ne.jp(25).
imput:DEBUG: handle tcp00 allocated.
imput: >>> 220 sv1.xxxx.ne.jp ESMTP Sendmail 8.8.8+2.7Wbeta7/3.6Wbeta6; Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:29:33 +0900
imput: <<< EHLO localhost
imput: >>> 250-sv1.xxxx.ne.jp Hello xxxxx-02p11.ppp.xxx.xx.jp [210.xxx.xxx.xx], pleased to meet you
imput: >>> 250-EXPN
imput: >>> 250-VERB
imput: >>> 250-8BITMIME
imput: >>> 250-SIZE
imput: >>> 250-DSN
imput: >>> 250-ONEX
imput: >>> 250-ETRN
imput: >>> 250-XUSR
imput: >>> 250 HELP
imput: <<< VERB
imput: >>> 250 Verbose mode
imput: <<< MAIL FROM:<user at example.com> SIZE=392
imput: >>> 250 <user at example.com>... Sender ok
imput: <<< RCPT TO:<user at example.com>
imput: >>> 250 <user at example.com>... Recipient ok
imput: <<< DATA
imput: >>> 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
imput:DEBUG: entering put_header (all)
imput:DEBUG: |To: user at example.com
imput:DEBUG: |Subject: test1
imput:DEBUG: |X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94.2pre3 on Emacs 19.34 / Mule 2.3 (SUETSUMUHANA)
imput:DEBUG: |Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: |Message-Id: <19991122172202A.user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:22:02 +0900
imput:DEBUG: |From: Tatsuya Kinoshita <user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |X-Dispatcher: imput version 991025(IM133)
imput:DEBUG: |Lines: 1
imput:DEBUG: put_header finished: no error
imput:DEBUG: entering put_body
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |test1
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 050 <user at example.com>... Connecting to local...
imput: >>> 050 <user at example.com>... Sent
imput: >>> 250 RAA26744 Message accepted for delivery
imput: delivery succeeded.
imput: processing /home/user/.im/queue/2.wrk ...
imput:DEBUG: ENV>AF:
imput:DEBUG: ENV>NF:0
imput:DEBUG: ENV>PS:10
imput:DEBUG: ENV>SRH:1
imput:DEBUG: ENV>MID:<19991122172218P.user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: ENV>PT:0
imput:DEBUG: ENV>S:user at example.com
imput:DEBUG: ENV>RQ:
imput:DEBUG: ENV>SSV:sv2.xxxx.ne.jp
imput:DEBUG: ENV>NSV:news8.xxx.ne.jp
imput:DEBUG: ENV>R:<user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: reading message
imput:DEBUG: sending message
imput: resetting SMTP session.
imput: <<< RSET
imput: >>> 250 Reset state
imput: <<< MAIL FROM:<user at example.com> SIZE=396
imput: >>> 250 <user at example.com>... Sender ok
imput: <<< RCPT TO:<user at example.com>
imput: >>> 250 <user at example.com>... Recipient ok
imput: <<< DATA
imput: >>> 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
imput:DEBUG: entering put_header (all)
imput:DEBUG: |To: user at example.com
imput:DEBUG: |Subject: test2
imput:DEBUG: |X-Mailer: Mew version 1.94.2pre3 on Emacs 19.34 / Mule 2.3 (SUETSUMUHANA)
imput:DEBUG: |Mime-Version: 1.0
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=us-ascii
imput:DEBUG: |Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
imput:DEBUG: |Message-Id: <19991122172218P.user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:22:18 +0900
imput:DEBUG: |From: Tatsuya Kinoshita <user at example.com>
imput:DEBUG: |X-Dispatcher: imput version 991025(IM133)
imput:DEBUG: |Lines: 1
imput:DEBUG: put_header finished: no error
imput:DEBUG: entering put_body
imput:DEBUG: |
imput:DEBUG: |test2
imput:DEBUG: put_body finished: no error
imput: <<< .
imput: >>> 050 <user at example.com>... Connecting to local...
imput: >>> 050 <user at example.com>... Sent
imput: >>> 250 RAA26748 Message accepted for delivery
imput: delivery succeeded.
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