[Mew-dist 11564] Some wishes for Mew

Christophe TROESTLER Ch.Troestler at example.com
1999年 11月 30日 (火) 19:36:30 JST

Hi everybody,

I was thinking that it could be good for Mew to have to following
	1.  Being able to delete only attachments (but keeping the
mail).  Very useful when one keeps a copy of the mails sent (but do
not want to waste too much space with files sent...).
	2.  Replying to several mails (possibly of different people)
with citation (of each of the mails).  Interesting for mailing lists.

A little pbm: Mew seems to "block" on some messages with unbalanced
braces in the "To:" field (like the one of Ninomiya Hidey, but it may
my MTA that messes up things:
	To: Mew.BG[I[2q5Diglenoir.linkline.be (B B8fCf <mew-dist at example.com>))
).  In other words, while imls lists the message, when Mew read the
inbox it does not display this message and neither the next ones.
Sorry if that has been corrected, I haven't had time to update to the
latest version.


  |\      _,,,---,,_       TROESTLER Christophe & Elda
  /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   Ch.Troestler at example.com
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'  ICQ: 19878166
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)       

 "In a World without Walls or Fences, no Windows or Gates Are Needed"

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