[Mew-dist 10866] hello, and a few questions.

Chan Wilson cwilson at example.com
1999年 10月 12日 (火) 20:06:05 JST

Hi there.

I've been using mew for about a year now, finding it quite an
acceptable replacement for mh-e, even more so now that I figured out
how to access imap folders.  Thanks to all the developers!

	Can someone document the various "access methods" that the IM
	library uses?  

	+foldername is for mh folders
	%foldername:username at example.com is for imap 

	what else is there?

	How can I shorten 
		%Mail/newmail.devnull:cwilson at example.com
	to something like

	Under xemacs 20.4, how do I configure the message-show buffer
	to show/follow http links, either in w3 or via netscape?

	Has any progress been made on threading??  

thanks again!


--------------------------------------- _ ----------------------------------
 Chan Wilson                ___    __  (_)   Principal Systems Administrator
 cwilson at example.com          /',__) /'_ `\| |       Enterprise Network Services
 +41-32-843-3760          \__, \( (_) || |           Cortaillod, Switzerland
 Vnet 476-3760            (____/`\__  |(_)
                                ( )_) |    

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