[Mew-dist 10867] Re: hello, and a few questions.
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
1999年 10月 12日 (火) 20:27:22 JST
From: Chan Wilson <cwilson at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 10866] hello, and a few questions.
> Question/Request:
> Can someone document the various "access methods" that the IM
> library uses?
> +foldername is for mh folders
> %foldername:username at example.com is for imap
> what else is there?
-locally_save_news_folder (under ~/News)
URL for imcat.
> Question:
> How can I shorten
> %Mail/newmail.devnull:cwilson at example.com
> to something like
> %devnull
> ?
I don't know.
> Question:
> Under xemacs 20.4, how do I configure the message-show buffer
> to show/follow http links, either in w3 or via netscape?
To let Mew 1.94 work with netscape, put the following to your .emacs.
(setq mew-prog-text/html-arg-hack 'mew-prog-text/html-netscape-remote)
> Question:
> Has any progress been made on threading??
This has been in our mind for a long time. Threading would be
officially supported in the next year. If you are interested, please
give a try to contrib/mew-virtual-thread.el.
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