[Mew-dist 11082] Mew 1.94.1 quirks
Christophe TROESTLER
Ch.Troestler at example.com
1999年 10月 27日 (水) 06:45:28 JST
Hi everybody,
I installed Mew 1.94.1 and I wish to report some problems I
encountered (most of them were there before, I think):
1. The directories `bin' and `info' are not created if they don't
exist. I know that the info Makefile contains some lines to create
$(INFODIR) but it turns out that $(MKDIR) is undefined...
2. The perl script `uumerge' is not set executable.
3. A strange thing happens. If I launch Mew, then open a new frame
(C-x 5 2) and view a message, the `bold' attribute is not set
anymore. In the previously opened frames, no problem. This also
happens when composing a message and doing C-x 5 2...
Also, if that is of interest to anybody, I wrote a few lines (based on
the spook package) to set a `Spook:' header field with some randomly
chosen words to distract NSA... (The ECHELON network doesn't look
nice! See http://conjuntos.es.fortunecity.com/privada/6/echelon/index.html)
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