[Mew-dist 11083] Re: Mew 1.94.1 quirks

Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 ) kazu at example.com
1999年 10月 27日 (水) 08:09:08 JST

From: Christophe TROESTLER <Ch.Troestler at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 11082] Mew 1.94.1 quirks

> 1. The directories `bin' and `info' are not created if they don't
>   exist.  I know that the info Makefile contains some lines to create
>   $(INFODIR) but it turns out that $(MKDIR) is undefined...
> 2. The perl script `uumerge' is not set executable.

Sorry for your inconvenient. I fixed these problems in the 1.95beta
tree. However, I guess I made mistakes when I tried to merge the
differences into 1.94.1. I will fix these including MKDIR stuff.

> 3. A strange thing happens.  If I launch Mew, then open a new frame
>   (C-x 5 2) and view a message, the `bold' attribute is not set
>   anymore.  In the previously opened frames, no problem.  This also
>   happens when composing a message and doing C-x 5 2...

At least in my environment, fold faces appear in a new frame.


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