[Mew-dist 15710] Body in scan

Brad Allen Ulmo at example.com
2001年 1月 4日 (木) 04:37:54 JST

Obvious feature request ... I'm glad Mew is stable enough in this
version for me to ask for this.  (Okay, please don't bomb me.  Being
able to do so much more with Mew is so nice ... like editing queued
MIME multipart signed messages ...)

I like the way Mew has finally taken up the task of doing its own work
rather than using Perl and/or MH.  However, the final result of scan
is in one small yet important spot sorely lacking, as it doesn't
include pertinent body text as the MH command does.

Looking in ".mew-cache" I see:

  747  01/03 Steve Kudlak < Re: Well ...                                      
 <3A53300B.D75FBBD9 at example.com> <20010101.145315.840820647.ulmo at example.com>
  751 S01/03 To:chromexa at example.com Re: Well ...                                      
 <20010103.122706.474503298.ulmo at example.com> <3A53300B.D75FBBD9 at example.com>

So, it looks as if the first is the scan line, and the second the
threading information.  This is very nice, though the scan line still
needs the usual body inclusions that MH does.  Of course, MH was
designed to weed out the quoted text.  imls seemed to do this too.

In the above example, the question "`Well ...' what??" is answered by

  747  01/03 Steve Kudlak   Re: Well ... || Giggle The Middle 1960s were everyt
  751 S01/03 Brad Allen     Re: Well ... || I'm sure 2001 was a generational mo

Using MH, the format was with two left braces, and fit a few more
characters ...

 747  01/03 Steve Kudlak       Re: Well ...<<Giggle The Middle 1960s were every

Using nmh, unfortunately we loose a lot with "new":

 747  01/03 Steve Kudlak       Re: Well ...<<Brad Allen wrote: > Content-Type: 
 751  01/03 To:chromexa at example.com  Re: Well ...<<----Security_Multipart(Wed_Jan__3_

You have to skip any line that starts out with '>' and any attribution
line in front of such lines in the first displayable MIME part.  That
would (often) require MIME part processing while scanning, which is
clearly doable.  How does the structure of Mew help?  The old MH way
was to just assume MIME does not exist.  Even "nmh" (the new mh)
doesn't seem to do this right.

In the very least, imls's perl scripting, which you wrote, did it.
You can take my example from your own previous work, and turn it into

But you probably already knew all this and have it sitting on some
todo list someplace, because of all the proof-of-concept work you were
doing with the major and wonderful changeover to using internal
scanning in the first place.
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