[Mew-dist 15750] Re: Body in scan
Kazu Yamamoto ( 山本和彦 )
kazu at example.com
2001年 1月 8日 (月) 12:17:50 JST
From: Brad Allen <Ulmo at example.com>
Subject: [Mew-dist 15710] Body in scan
> I like the way Mew has finally taken up the task of doing its own work
> rather than using Perl and/or MH. However, the final result of scan
> is in one small yet important spot sorely lacking, as it doesn't
> include pertinent body text as the MH command does.
> But you probably already knew all this and have it sitting on some
> todo list someplace, because of all the proof-of-concept work you were
> doing with the major and wonderful changeover to using internal
> scanning in the first place.
Yes, this is one of things to do. But currently I think this is very
hard to implement.
One of most important features of Mew 1.95 is true
internationalization/ multi-lingualization. (Mew 1.94 provides fairly
good this kind of mechanism, but not the best.)
The reason why Mew 1.95 can't display bodies of messages is there is
no good way to tell bodies' charset without MIME analysis.
IM can do this because it mainly targets ASCII and ISO-2022 stuff
only. But this kind of unfairness is removed from 1.95.
I have been thinking this problem for a long time but I have not hit
upon an answer yet.
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