[Mew-dist 15929] Re: Sender:
Kenya Miura
eaurouge at example.com
2001年 1月 16日 (火) 23:31:11 JST
みうら@川崎市.3web です。
>>>>> On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 15:18:24 +0900
>>>>> kazu at example.com(Kazu Yamamoto (山本和彦)) said:
kazu> (1) From: に複数のアドレスがあったら、Sender: を付けるようにします。
kazu> (おそらく、SMTP MAIL FROM のアドレスを入れる)
kazu> (2) From: と SMTP MAIL FROM が異なる場合、SMTP MAIL FROM のアドレスを
kazu> Sender: に残すようにしますか?
今日、仕事で、RFC 821(SMTP)を読むついでに、RFC822を読んでみると、以下
This field contains the authenticated identity of the AGENT
(person, system or process) that sends the message. It is
intended for use when the sender is not the author of the mes-
sage, or to indicate who among a group of authors actually
sent the message. If the contents of the "Sender" field would
be completely redundant with the "From" field, then the
"Sender" field need not be present and its use is discouraged
(though still legal). In particular, the "Sender" field MUST
be present if it is NOT the same as the "From" Field.
Kenya Miura<eaurouge at example.com>
Mew-dist メーリングリストの案内